Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday

Black Friday, a frantic and frenzied shopping day, is the day Grandma Ginger enters the blog world. Ginger, my favorite name, is a pseudonym, but I truly am a grandma to eight beautiful grandchildren. I couldn't face rising pre-dawn today to check out the early sales, but I do enjoy shopping and found the temptation of the advertisements too much to resist. You are probably all familiar with the website, "People of Wal-Mart." My travels today confirm that there could be countless knock-offs of this website: "People of Toys R Us," "People of Kohl's," "People of Penney's," etc. Observing people today was as entertaining as watching people in an airport!

You might question why a person of mature age and character (such as myself) would write a blog. The answer is simple. As we get older, our minds are filled with so many intellectual thoughts it would be selfish to keep these to ourselves. We need to make room in our minds for new ideas, academic or mundane. Check future blog entries for pre-senility commentaries.

Auf Wiedersehen

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