Thursday, June 10, 2010

Coops du Jour – Update

The blog has been absent for several days because of a busy schedule this week, but don’t give up. The blog will continue, but it may not always be on a daily basis.

The June 2 blog described a new event in Southern Illinois, the first Coops du Jour. Some readers may think Ginger’s imagination works overtime, but this was a real happening. I did not attend because I traveled in another direction that day, but the news article in Monday’s paper indicated it was a success. The weather was perfect, and nearly 100 people participated in the four-hour excursion which featured a wide variety of chicken coops. The tourists visited 13 sites in three counties. One of the coop owners commented, “We didn’t realize how many chicken people are out there.” Another said chickens are wonderful pets and keeping chickens on her property has been a pleasant experience. At the end of the afternoon, the guests enjoyed a fried chicken dinner. Hopefully, the Coops du Jour tour chickens were not the main course!

One who is tempted to belittle chicken coops and consider them only as examples of rural husbandry might consider a statement by Frank Lloyd Wright, a famous American architect: “Regard it as just as desirable to build a chicken house as to build a cathedral.” I will definitely plan ahead next year and add the Coops du Jour as a priority event on my June 2011 calendar.

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