Tuesday, June 1, 2010

You Asked – Ginger Answered!

Welcome! Gram Ginger, like the phoenix, is back. Anyone familiar with the expression, “rising like a phoenix from the ashes,” will understand the symbolic metaphor. In mythology, the phoenix is a colorful bird considered to be a fire spirit. It has vibrant plumage with a tail usually in gold and scarlet. The phoenix is unique. There is only one, and it has a life span of 500+ years. Near the end of its life, the bird builds a nest of twigs and ignites it. Both bird and nest are reduced to ashes from which a new, young phoenix arises. The new phoenix will live as long as its predecessor, thus continuing the infinite life cycle.

We do not live in a mythological world, but the tale of the phoenix is an appropriate personification of Ginger’s return. Unlike the phoenix, I will most assuredly not live 500 years, and I certainly am not a pyromaniac who plans to set myself afire. Like the phoenix, I am now experiencing a renascence after a short absence. I will update the blog as often as possible and will incorporate the activities of Henri and Ginger over the past couple months with assorted thoughts of current interest. Thank you to my faithful readers who have missed my musings and patiently awaited Ginger’s revival.


  1. Good...Now I have a reason to turn on my computer again!

  2. It's nice to be appreciated. Thank you.
