Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Youngest Grandchild

Happy 1st Birthday, Kace!

Kristi, t
he youngest of our six children, is the mother of Kace, the youngest grandchild of Henri and Ginger. Kace, who was one year old on May 26, 2010, lives with Mom Kristi, Dad Cole, Big Brother Kale, and Gunner, their German Shepherd. Kace celebrated his first birthday with a party at his home on May 29. As the picture shows, his own personal cake was a highlight of his day. Children change so quickly, and we especially enjoyed the birthday party invitation which included pictures of Kace at different times during his first year. Thanks, Kristi, for taking the time to create this special keepsake of Kace’s first year.

Kace, a happy and smiling child, is a 25-
pound, high-speed crawler. He’s starting to take a few steps but finds crawling is still the most effective way to get to his destination. It’s also the best way to get away from his brother, Kale, who sometimes likes to sit on him. Henri is very proud that Kace’s middle name, Henri, is in honor of Grandpa. Kace may be known by his first name to everyone else, but he is Little Henri to us.

This is the first of many more birthdays Kace will celebrate, and we’re glad we could share his special day.

Love to Little Henri from Grandpa Henri and Grandma Ginger.

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