Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Day Off

Monday - work and the Hospice interview, Tuesday - work, Wednesday - a day to relax!

Donna and I are meeting for lunch at Kindling, a restaurant in Carterville which opened about a year ago. I have not yet been there, but it appears to be an interesting place. It is located in the log cabin that formerly was Pioneer’s Cabin. Kindling includes a vast collection of microbrew and wine selections, a floral and gift shop, and a dine-in restaurant area. The owners also specialize in beer tastings, catering, wedding planning, and floral arranging. It is a temptation, but we will probably limit ourselves to the lunch selections and leave the beer and wine for another day. The best part of this luncheon engagement is the time we will meet – 12:30 p.m. Donna and I have been friends for almost 45 years and share the same values. After years of getting up early to go to work, we feel entitled to a more relaxed life. We each like to stay up late at night and sleep late in the morning. Retirement is sweet – lazy days, no guilt!


  1. What will Henri do without you for lunch?

  2. Remember, Henri is the chef. He is self-sufficient in the kitchen.
