Monday, March 8, 2010

Mr. Sandman, Bring Me a Dream….

Henri needs help. Over the past several months, he has been dreaming on an almost nightly basis. Some of his dreams are of the time he spent in the Vietnam War in the 1960’s. Other dreams include isolated happenings of the day put together in an unrelated fashion. Henri’s dream yesterday probably resulted from his noted reputation as a chef. In this dream, Henri was preparing his famous pulled pork barbecue for a gathering at our house. At the end of the dream, he realized this event was for 37,000 people! We all know the Biblical story of the loaves and fishes. With five loaves of bread and two fish, Jesus fed a crowd of 5,000 people. I’m not sure Henri could possibly feed 37,000 people a pulled pork dinner at our house even with a miracle! Obviously, Henri was quite relieved when he awakened and realized this was only a dream.

I have often encouraged Henri to become a restauranteur because of his culinary skills. Hopefully, he will take the suggestion. Step aside 17th Street, Famous Dave’s, Smokey Bones, and Memphis Rendezvous. Soon, we can look forward to the grand opening of a new barbecue bistro, Holy Henri’s Divine Swine Diner!

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