Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It’s a Dirty Job.

It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it. When I got home from the Egyptian Area Agency on Aging board meeting this afternoon, I decided to weed a flower bed that contains our killer daylilies. It’s amazing what a nice crop of chickweed we had there! The picture shows the final result. I know tomorrow morning my neck, arms, back, legs, and knees will ache, but it was worth it to be outside in the beautiful weather. Nothing lasts forever. It’s supposed to turn cooler and rain on Saturday, and there is the possibility of snow on Sunday. Bogey Bernie was out while I was working. We discussed our lawn mowing adventures and the thriving chickweed around the foundation of his house. I plan to mow the lawn late tomorrow afternoon when I get home from work or maybe Friday morning. Bogey plans to golf both days and mow on Saturday (when it should be cold and raining). He needs to get his priorities in order. As I said in an earlier blog, Bogey is not remotely in contention for the Patton Drive Beautification Award this year.

I have been working on the Hospice Education Network videos, evaluations, and tests. I have completed 13 of the 50 videos and passed all the accompanying tests, but I’m a little off my planned schedule. I planned to watch two more videos last night, but a construction crew cut a main Verizon telephone line yesterday and left those of us in five counties with only local telephone service and no e-mail or Internet service. Without the Internet, I can’t view the videos. I’ll have to get back on track tonight. Tomorrow is another work day at the office. Ginger lives life in the fast lane and wouldn’t have it any other way.

Stay tuned. Gram Ginger will return. :)

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