Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Ginger is back. I completed the requirements and am now an official Hospice of Southern Illinois (HSI) Volunteer (see certificate). Over the weekend, I read the hospice manual and answered the true/false and essay questions in preparation for the interview yesterday. The interview consisted of a meeting with Debbie, the Coordinator of Volunteers, watching a video, signing a lot of forms, and getting a TB test. An active HSI volunteer is required to do a minimum of eight (8) hours service annually, but I am certainly willing to do more than that. Debbie and I discussed my preferences for service. I am interested in respite care (visiting with a patient), but other assignments also appeal to me. I love to write and would enjoy writing a patient’s life story (life review) for family members. I did Medicare programs for years while working in public relations for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSI) and would like to do Hospice programs as part of the HSI speakers’ bureau. Another service in which I want to participate is helping to staff vendor booths at health fairs. This also was part of my job with BCBSI, and it provides a great opportunity to meet people and network with other vendors. I probably won’t get an assignment for a while. Debbie has to do interviews with the others in last week’s training group, and she has a two-day training session scheduled in mid-March followed by interviews with those participants. My preliminary preparation is finished. When I get my name badge and task, I’ll be excited and ready to begin a new adventure in my life. The longest journey begins with a single step.

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