Sunday, March 7, 2010


I left Bogey Bernie in my dust yesterday. Bogey and I have a friendly competition regarding lawn care, and this year I got first honors. :)

The weather this weekend is so beautiful, sunny with temperatures approaching 60ยบ, that I couldn’t resist the temptation to work outside. On Saturday morning, my first task was blowing the leaves out of the flower beds. The grass, although green and shaggy in some places, didn’t really need mowing, and I used the lawn mower mainly to mulch the leaves. Other neighbors also were doing yard work, one cutting down a dead tree and another mulching flower beds. I didn’t see Bogey while I was working in the yard, but I’m sure he was peeking from behind his windows. Unless Bogey gets going, he will definitely not win the Patton Drive Beautification Award this year. Foiled again, Bogey. :( You have to get started pretty early to beat Ginger!

Update: At 9:00 a.m., Bogey started mowing his lawn. I knew he couldn't stand being upstaged, but he's still in second place. No pain, no gain!

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