Friday, February 26, 2010

Sabbatical Leave

In celebration of Casimir Pulaski Day on Monday, Ginger is taking a three-day blog sabbatical. Sabbaticals usually follow tenure of seven years, but this is an exception.

On Thursday, I attended a full day training session preparatory to becoming certified as a volunteer for Hospice of Southern Illinois. I originally thought I would have to a
ttend a two day training program in March at John A. Logan College but later found out I could accomplish the same thing yesterday in one day at Aldersgate Methodist Church in Marion. The training was intense and inspiring. Thirteen people of diverse ages comprised this session. Most were either retired from or still actively employed in professional careers. The common bond was a desire to be of service to people facing end of life issues.

The training session was the first step. Following the training, each potential volunteer has a personal interview with the Hospice Volunteer Coordinator. My interview will be at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, March 1. Prior to this interview, I need to review a large folder of hospice information, answer two pages of true/false questions, and complete two pages of essay questions entitled “Personal Death History” and “Reflection Questions.” The essay questions will require some thought. Because I have been interested in becoming a hospice volunteer for a number of years, I want to be as prepared as possible for my interview on Monday. I am excited about
pursuing a new adventure and hope I will be successful. I feel like The Little Engine That Could: “I think I can, I think I can.”

The blog will resume on Tuesday, March 2. If anyone suffers severe withdrawal symptoms, take two aspirins, drink plenty of water, and get some rest. Forewarned is forearmed. Plan some diversionary activities to distract attention from the absence of Gram Ginger. I know my followers will be up to the challenge.

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