Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Don't Look Up

I am taking it easy today and staying as far away as possible from anything that resembles work. Yesterday, I started my day by taking a shower, the location where I do my best thinking (see blog Sunday, January 24, 2010). When I happened to look up, I couldn’t believe the dust on the wall above the shower. After using a damp cloth to remove this, the wall had two different colors – one on the clean side and one on the dirty side. After I went to the hospital for lab tests, I came home and cleaned Rico’s cage. Then, I started washing all the bathroom walls. By the time this job was finished, I had washed the walls, floors, woodwork, doors, and lights, cleaned the toilet, vanity, and whirlpool tub, washed and dried the rugs and towels, and taken down and cleaned the ceiling fan. Jonathan, you will be glad to know there is no longer any dust in the exhaust fan! You might recall your asking several years ago, “Mom, don’t you ever clean this?” Henri will clean the shower although he always says I am the one responsible for grime in the shower. After cleaning the floor around the toilet, I told Henri about a new bathroom rule. Anyone, male or female, who utilizes Henri’s throne, will have to sit on it, regardless of the reason for using it. Maid Mary, Bogey Bernie’s wife, is a meticulous housekeeper, always cleaning, washing windows, etc., in addition to working at a full-time job. I think our bathroom right now might be more sparkling than Maid Mary’s! Our spotless bathroom should encourage clean thoughts to inspire my blog topics.