Thursday, January 7, 2010


I think the persons who wrote the songs Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow! and Winter Wonderland had to be recluses living in caves. Snow is beautiful, but walking and driving in snow is not pleasant. Once the snow melts, the leftover cinders and salt leave a mess in the streets and on cars and driveways. If I was 21 again and my handsome beau (stranded by the snow) and I were enjoying candlelight, soft music, and wine by the fireplace, I probably wouldn’t care if it snowed for days. The fact is I’m not 21, and Henri and I are in a house with energy efficient lights, a television, iced tea, and a fireplace we never use. Romance has evolved into reality!

While we were at the doctor’s office, Bogey Bernie took the Deere with the snow blade on its maiden voyage. Bogey cleared his and our driveways and said it worked perfectly. Thanks, Bogey!

Henri is still miserable. The doctor prescribed another nebulizer medication. Henri now has three different nebulizer medications, each to be used four times daily. The doctor also gave him Rocephin and Depo Medrol injections again today. After leaving the doctor’s office, we went to the hospital for another chest x-ray because the congestion is not breaking up in the base of the lungs. The doctor will let us know the result of the x-ray today and also when Henri will have his next appointment. Henri is starting to lose patience with his illness and is getting very tired of being sick.


  1. I'm sure Henri is tired of this nonsense. If the weather cleared up I think his lungs would clear up too.
    Our outlook is for another 6-9 inches of snow tonight and tomorrow with blowing winds from the northwest.
    It's still not as bad as last year but it's getting close.

  2. I'm disappointed. I thought you would comment about my "handsome beau" rather than Henri!
