Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year Birthday

We all know this is Baby New Year’s birthday, but it is also the milestone 60th birthday of my distant cousin, Trish. Trish lives with her husband and son in St. Louis, but I didn’t know her until about a year ago. We only live 120 miles apart, and I still have not met her in person. Trish first called my mother and then called me because she was researching my father’s family. Trish and I trace our lineage in the United States to our great-great grandparents, Ernst and Johanna. Two of their children, my great-grandmother, Caroline, and her great-grandfather, Frederick, were sister and brother. I’m sure that we have more deceased relatives than living relatives. A line in William Cullen Bryant’s poem, Thanatopsis, is appropriate for our family: All that tread the globe are but a handful to the tribes that slumber is its bosom…. Trish and I have a common interest in genealogy and have exchanged pictures and information of our respective families. We enjoy sharing stories about the past generations and have found some to be quite humorous. Trish, let’s make a New Year resolution to meet in 2010. Henri and I wish you a Happy 60th Birthday and a healthy and happy year.

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