Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Henri's Revival

After a week and a half of illness, the verdict is in. Henri’s x-ray showed bronchitis. Although he’s still coughing now and then, he has improved considerably. Henri started feeling better on Sunday and went to his exercise program at the hospital on Monday morning. He’s cooking again (Thank Goodness!). One of his specialties, enchiladas, was the blue plate special Monday evening, and he baked peanut butter cookies yesterday. We filled the Deere gas can so Henri will be ready for the next snow event. He appreciated the help from Bogey Bernie and David, but I know he can’t wait to drive the Deere with the snow blade himself. Last night, we went to Houlihan’s for dinner – such a deal! The SIU Alumni card is good for any appetizer FREE. We really like the food at Houlihan’s, and it tastes even better when it’s free. I also registered for the Houlihan’s e-mail club. That is good for a free appetizer and a free entrée on my birthday. We aren’t cheap, just frugal. Henri won’t have to cook today. We’ll have enchilada and Houlihan’s leftovers. Because he’s been sick, I’ll give him a little time to ease back gently into his regular work routine.

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