Saturday, January 9, 2010

Will Work for Pizza

After the 10/20 mph winds Thursday night, some snow drifted back on the driveway. David offered to blade the driveway Thursday morning, but I told him Bogey Bernie would use the Deere and take care of it. David called when he was in Marion yesterday to ask if we needed anything. We didn’t, but he stopped by anyway. We always enjoy company, but I think David had an ulterior motive for the visit – test the Deere with the new snow blade! He did our driveway, Bogey Bernie’s driveway, and probably would have done all the driveways on our street if it hadn’t been so cold. If he and Kip lived in the same town, they could partner in Kip and Dave’s Affordable Lawn Service and Snow Removal. Thanks, David, for thinking of us. We were glad to provide some fun for you.
Lance and Larissa came to Marion today. We didn’t see Lance at Christmas because he was in the Philippines visiting a friend. Walt’s pizza is always the highlight of any family occasion, and Lance, Larissa, Henri, and I enjoyed our pizza at home. We decided not to go to Walt’s because Henri didn’t need to get out in the extreme cold. We tend to forget how much we appreciate the small pleasures until illness intervenes. I guess I can put the decorations away now that all the kids have been home for Christmas. In some years, I have done this as late as February. I’m ahead of schedule this year!

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