Sunday, January 24, 2010

Philosophical Musings

A shower stimulates my mental processes. Some of my best thinking takes place in the shower. I believe that is because it blocks my thoughts of how far my body can sag before it hits rock bottom. When I first started the blog the day after Thanksgiving, one of my friends, Donna, asked me what would be the blog subject matter. I told her it was going to be about nothing, similar to Jerry Seinfeld’s description of his show. While taking a shower last night, I thought about the meaning of nothing. If nothing is the absence of something, what is the something that used to be and now is no more? My mind then moved to the concept of zero. Zero is nothing, but it is also the absence of oneness, twoness, threeness, etc. If zero is nothing, why do we have negative numbers? How can something be less than nothing? Getting deeper in thought, I pondered the idea of black and white. Black is the totality of all colors, and white is the absence of all colors. I understand why we can see black, but why are we able to see white which is really nothing? William Shakespeare undoubtedly contemplated these questions because he wrote a romantic comedy entitled Much Ado About Nothing. I’m sure our scientist son, Lance, could resolve this, but my aesthetic mind would probably not be able to comprehend the profundity of his answers. I guess I need to take fewer showers!

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