Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Shots and Pills

I’m not talking about Jello shots or the kind of shots served in shot glasses, nor am I talking about “happy” pills. Henri had a doctor’s appointment at 8:45 a.m. today. The good news is that he doesn’t have pneumonia and doesn’t have to be hospitalized. The diagnosis is an exacerbation of COPD, an inflammation in the lungs. Today, Henri got two shots, one on each side of his tush. The first shot was Rocephin; the second shot was Depo Medrol. The Rocephin is a high-powered antibiotic, and the Depo Medrol is a steroid. Henri also got two prescriptions to begin tomorrow: Levaquin (an antibiotic) and Prednisone (a steroid). Henri will be resting today and tomorrow, and Nurse Ginger will take good care of him. On Thursday, Henri has another doctor’s appointment at 8:45 a.m. We hope this medication will start working, and he will be feeling better by then.

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