Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sink or Swim

It’s the coldest night of 2010, 4.8 º. I think cold weather makes people do crazy things. Apparently, one wise soul thought he could drive on ice in a manner similar to the way Jesus walked on water. I don’t know anyone who has tried to walk on water, but Friday’s Southern Illinoisan featured a picture of someone (maybe Jeff Foxworthy) who tried to drive on ice. We don’t live in the “Land of the Midnight Sun”; we live in Southern Illinois. We don’t build little huts in the middle of a frozen lake and cut a hole in the ice to fish. Most people here have never owned skis or ice skates. We have had very cold weather lately, but the temperature has not been consistently cold enough to freeze lake water to a depth sufficient to support the weight of a car. Everyone reacts differently to stress and trauma, but in this incident common sense flew out the window when the car flew off the road.


  1. I think the term "colder then a well diggers ass," would apply.

  2. Scroll back to December 10 blog and check David's comment on this expression.
