Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pay Taxes Or Do Time

Henri and I had an appointment with an accountant this afternoon to find out how the sale of my mother’s home would affect our taxes. We decided it would be advisable to have a professional do our 2009 taxes. We weren’t sure if capital gains would be a factor and were pleased to find out there are no capital gains to consider. I really think the answer is not to pay any taxes and go to prison. I checked the federal prison locations in the Midwest and decided Jonathan could house us in the Rochester (MN) facility. It’s a medical center, and we could have any health problems treated at no cost. I don’t think prisons bill Medicare and Blue Cross. Henri could grow tomatoes and cucumbers in the prison garden and can dill pickles for the prison buffet dinners. I could teach literature classes, work in the library, or direct landscape, lawn, and tree care. Federal prisons already house many former Illinois politicians; it’s time the Feds started taking care of the rest of us. Henri is feeling a little better today. He has an upset stomach from the new medications and still has a stuffy nose and cough. We'll see how things go tomorrow when Henri sees the doctor again.


  1. Glad to hear Henri is doing a little better.

    I found your blog today particularly entertaining.

  2. Be sure to check tomorrow's blog for further humor.
