Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Big Weekend

My birthday is over, and it’s time to start another year. Yesterday evening, Henri and I dined at Sao Asian Bistro and used one of the gift cards from David and Missy. The food was excellent, and we even shared a slice of birthday cheesecake while the wait staff sang Happy Birthday. Later, I joined David, Missy, and Jonathan at the KC Hall in Marion for a Southern Illinois Parrot Head Club event to benefit Hospice of Southern Illinois. I hesitated about going until Jonathan reminded me that Jimmy Buffett and I were about the same age. Henri didn’t mind that I left for a few hours because he was content to watch the Dawgs on TV as they lost yet another basketball game, this time to UNI (University of Northern Iowa). Henri was also pleased to win another two dollars on our bet. The Parrot Head event was a lot of fun. Parrot memorabilia, parrot décor, a live band – my kind of evening. It’s too bad Rico couldn’t attend. Today is Super Bowl Sunday. From our many Super Bowl party invitations, we decided to attend David’s pre-game party for a few hours. I have a $2.00 bet with Henri on the Saints. I don’t follow professional football, but I do enjoy the high dollar commercials. May the better team win. Yea Who Dats, Boo Hoosiers!

Super Bowl XLIV – Miami, Florida
A Battle of Hoosiers and Who Dats

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