Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Who Dat?

The Super Bowl is Sunday, February 7 in Sun Life Stadium, Miami, Florida. I haven’t gotten caught up in the Super Bowl fever, but I am looking forward to seeing the Griswolds in one of the commercials. I don’t have a great interest in professional football, and I know nothing about either the New Orleans Saints or the Indianapolis Colts.

I recently heard a discussion on a radio program about the controversy involving the New Orleans Saints cheer, Who Dat Say Dey Gonna Beat Dem Saints? Who Dat? Who Dat? (Who Dat? actually sounds like something Elmer Fudd would say when he is chasing that “wacky wabbit.”) Last week, the NFL registered a trademark with the Florida Department of State claiming rights to Who Dat. People in New Orleans say this colloquialism has been used for years and is an integral part of the local dialect. The dispute escalated when vendors received cease and desist orders from the NFL prohibiting them from selling Saints memorabilia with that wording. Even a Louisiana Republican politician, Senator David Vitter, has taken a stance on the issue. He sent a letter to the NFL requesting the league to “drop this obnoxious position.” He signed the letter, “Junior Senator of Who Dat Nation.” Let’s hope all this gets resolved before Sunday. When the dust settles, maybe someone in Detroit will register a trademark with the Michigan Department of State claiming rights to Wazzup!

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