Friday, February 5, 2010

Jersey Girl

A new member of the family arrived on Wednesday, February 3, 2010. My niece, Jersey Girl Allison, and her husband, Mike, welcomed their third child, a little boy named Owen August. Owen has a big sister, Addison, who will be three in April, and a big brother, Jake, who will be two in July. Owen’s middle name, August, is in honor of his great-great-grandfather. Anyone would be busy with three young children, but Allison is also a full-time teacher. Besides Allison, her husband, and now three children, two very large dogs live in their home. They are the creatures (with tongues hanging out) on either side of the Christmas family picture. It was a busy house before, and now it will be even busier with a new baby. Because Allison and family live in New Jersey, we usually see them only once a year. We’ll be looking forward to meeting baby Owen August in person later this year. Congratulations, Allison Mike, and family. Love from Henri and Ginger.

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