Saturday, February 20, 2010

"Headin’ North"

We hope to “head north” later today to attend a family gathering in honor of Lance who will be “headin’ farther north” when he moves from St. Louis to Chicago on March 1. If the weather cooperates, we will meet our St. Louis area children at J J Twig’s, a pizza restaurant in West County, St. Louis, for Lance’s farewell party. The restaurant was chosen because its double decker pizzas are almost like those at Walt’s, their favorite Marion hangout.

Lance is son number four (child number five) in our family. Until February 12, he was employed as a scientist with Pfizer in St. Louis. As is becoming more and more typical in large corporations, the St. Louis Pfizer facility cut about 600 jobs. Lance interviewed with Abbott Laboratories in North Chicago, was hired as a scientist, and will begin his new job on March 15. It is fortunate that he was able to find a new position so quickly.

Lance is always ready for new adventures. After completing studies for his master’s degree in chemistry at Illinois State University, we helped him move to his first job with a pharmaceutical company in Kalamazoo, MI. Several years later, Pfizer bought that company, and Lance moved to St. Louis. Lance has traveled extensively. In his position with Pfizer, he traveled from East Coast to West Coast. He’s also been to London, Paris, Manila, Dublin, and the Virgin Islands. His most interesting experience probably was working in a laboratory in Uganda for six months as part of a fellowship program. Lance will enjoy life in the big city. He is moving to an apartment in Evanston, a half way point from his work on the north and the city on the south. With numerous friends already living in the Chicago area, he should have many social outlets. Lance will enjoy the sunny shore of Lake Michigan in the summer and have frosty buns in the winter. Henri and Ginger will miss “Sir Lancelot,” but we realize he needs to pursue his career even if it takes him farther from home. Best wishes for success in your new job, Lance. Remember your humble roots as you climb the corporate ladder. Love from Henri and Ginger.


  1. Thanks Ginger and Henri! It was really nice to get everyone together last night. Luckily, I'll still be relatively close to the Hub of the Universe on those occasions I want to visit the family and have some real Walt's pizza.


  2. We enjoyed the evening also and safely returned home "after dark"! JJ Twig's has good pizza, but nothing will replace Walt's. The Hub of the Universe will welcome your visits.

  3. Waltz is better but a good time was had by all.
