Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"Dancing with the Stars"

The 2010 Winter Olympics will be concluding this week in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The next Olympics will be in London, England in 2012, Sochi, Russia in 2014 (Winter Olympics), and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2016. Over the years, many new events have been added to the Olympic schedules. One now being considered is pole dancing. Enthusiasts describe pole dancing as an athletic endeavor requiring physical fitness and supreme strength. They are circulating petitions to acquire signatures in its support as an Olympic event. Although they already have over 4,000 signatures toward their goal of 5,000, it is doubtful pole dancing will be part of the 2012 London Olympics. Their intent is that pole dancing be a “test” event in London in 2012 and a sanctioned event four years later in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. Some feel that pole dancing, formerly the exclusive of strip clubs and cheap bars, will tarnish the Olympic image. Even some pole dancers worry the sensual side of pole dancing would be destroyed in an effort to clean it up for the Olympics. Would it really be the same without the high heels, sexy apparel, a drunken audience, and colored spotlights?

I’m not an athletic person, but I think pole dancing might be good exercising regimen. I always enjoyed dancing, but my previous experience was with my feet on the floor. The basic equipment needed is a pole and a place to put it. Internet sites display a variety of poles, and all stress the importance of sturdiness because the pole has to support the dancer’s body weight. Poles are available in colors as well as stainless steel. I prefer the neon pink, but I may just use our Festivus pole. Henri may not like the Festivus pole in the family room for six years, but success requires sacrifice. If I practice every day, get a pair of 6 ½ inch stiletto heels, and appropriate attire, I may bring home the gold in 2016! Even if I don’t win a medal, I possibly could get a part-time job is one of the local night spots. Rio, get ready for Ginger.

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