Saturday, February 6, 2010

Happy Birthday, Ginger

Ginger is 66 today – older than dirt! Henri is seven months younger than I, and it’s a matter of time before he reminds me that I have completed 66 years and am beginning my 67th year. Age is only a number, and so far I’ve weathered the years fairly well.

The pictures show I have changed (just a little) from my baby, toddler, and young adult years to the current time. Nothing stays the same. My youthful henna curls are now silver strands which greatly outnumber the gold. We
’re only as old as we feel, however, and beauty is only skin deep. The problem at this stage of life is trying to stretch a smile wide enough to pull up the sagging cheeks and not increase the lines around the eyes in the process.

I definitely agree with the concept of beauty of one of my role models, Miss Piggy: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it ma
y be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye.” If Miss Piggy and Ginger share a common bond, is Henri really Kermit the Frog???


  1. Yes, Ginger you have weathered the years well. As of today you are a year older then me, that is you are 66 and I am only 65 (66 - 65 = 1). Just like a fine wine you are getting better as you age!!

    Happy Birthday Ginger.


  2. Henri, thanks for the birthday wishes. We're in the same boat. Let's just hope it doesn't sink! By the way, your math stinks!!!

  3. That was one of the nicest things I have heard dad say! (the wine part not the older part)

  4. There's hope for all of us! Even Henri has his tender moments.
