Thursday, December 17, 2009

7:00 a.m. Is Early!

Today was a work day at Accu-Grow. Each day I work I question why I do this. I never was a morning person, and the 7:00 a.m. starting time is certainly morning. Accu-Grow is a small family business, the job is fun, and the people working there are all very nice. Three of us work part-time in the office. The owner and the techs take care of the lawn and landscape work. The office is high tech but probably would not be considered a luxurious working environment. Every day is “casual day.” To keep our resident mice away, we cover the office equipment with plastic each evening. The job is interesting, and I have learned about lawn care, moles, grubs, Japanese beetles, spider mites, tent caterpillars, and many other creatures. I’ve also developed a new skill, driving a fork lift, which will be a valuable addition to my resume. One can always learn from new experiences. Now, I need to figure out what to do with all this knowledge.

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