Saturday, December 12, 2009

Cousin Bill

December is a popular month for birthdays in our family. My cousin, Bill, is 58 years old today. Cousin Bill’s mother, Aunt Mebs, and my mother, Little L, were sisters hatched in the same nest. The topic of our mothers’ conversations over the years usually centered on which one had the “best” son or daughter. This issue was never resolved, and no winner was ever declared. Cousin Bill retired from the Air Force several years ago with the rank of Colonel. In his second career, he is now a pilot who chauffeurs Mr. FedEx and his family and staff from Memphis to worldwide destinations. Cousin Bill, you’ve come a long way from the days when Jean and I locked you in the old Red Bud jail and teased you about Jack, the town drunk. Happy 58th Birthday. Keep your wings level, and don’t look down!

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