Sunday, December 13, 2009

The opening line of Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…,” describes conflicting emotions I experienced today. I signed the closing papers for the sale of my mother’s house. I was fortunate to be able in less than three months to dispose of personal property, clean the house, and sell the house. Many people move a number of times when they are young, but that was not my situation. My parents built the house in 1940, and it was the home where I lived from my birth until I was 22 years old. To my mother, the house was her castle. To my father, the house was plaster, wood, bricks, and blocks that all could be replaced. With the sale finalized, I can no longer go there as I have been used to doing for almost 66 years. Although my parents are now both deceased and the house is sold, I will always have the memories of their and my lives in our home. Nothing material lasts forever.

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