Friday, December 4, 2009

Medical Bills - Ask Questions!

A bill in this morning's mail determined today's topic. My mother, "Little L," passed away on September 29, 2009 at the age of 101. Mother lived in her home until September 13 when she was taken to the hospital. Although she was in the same hospital room for 16 days, her status changed from inpatient to swing-bed patient and, finally, to hospice patient. The $6,246.75 bill I received this morning from the hospital was for hospice care from 9/26-9/29/09. The message indicated the hospital had not received payment from the insurance company. I knew that hospice only bills Medicare, never private insurance or the patient. When I called the hospital's billing department and questioned the bill, the answer I received was, "That's hospice. Disregard the bill." I had no intention of paying this bill, but I wonder how many people would pay and never question whether the money was owed. If the bill were paid, would the hospital recognize an erroneous payment and refund the money? How long would it be before the "check is in the mail"???

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