Friday, December 25, 2009

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Henri and I thought we would be celebrating Christmas alone, but Drue stayed overnight and is with us today. After a struggle to get her to sleep last night, she finally dozed off with visions of sugar plums dancing in her head. It’s been a long time since either of us shared Christmas morning with someone so young. We were going to let her open her gift from Grandpa and Grandma, but she was content with the plastic dishes. Missy worked the late shift last night, and David is working a double shift today. Someone has to take care of the “boys behind the bars” on Christmas. Our governor can’t let them all out! Lance called last night from the Philippines, and Jonathan is on his way home. Shelly, Kip, and Kristi are celebrating in their homes today. We will have our family Christmas gathering on Sunday, and everyone (except Lance) will be here for Walt’s pizza and the grandchildren’s gift exchange. Christmas is December 25, but Christmas can also be any day we are together. Merry Christmas!

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