Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Life in the Fast Lane

In 2008, I was appointed to the Egyptian Area Agency on Aging (EAAA) Board of Directors, and the December meeting was this morning. The EAAA, one of the regions of the Illinois Department on Aging, oversees senior services in the southernmost 13 counties of Illinois. Because I worked with seniors for 22 years before I retired and am now a senior myself, I look upon the board position as a way to stay connected to the senior network.

The excitement this afternoon was a trip to Dr. Keller’s office for a check-up appointment. According to Dr. K, I am doing fine. My cholesterol is at a good level, but because my thyroid is still wacky, I’m now taking a lower dosage medication and will have lab tests again in six weeks. Dr. K has been my physician for years and is a wonderful person. He, however, has twice ruined my quality of life. He took away my hormones about ten years ago and prescribed the thyroid medication a year ago. Both resulted in sleepless nights. I guess that’s the price to be paid for reaching the golden years. As my mother always said, “It’s hell to get old.” She spoke from 101 years of experience.

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