Friday, December 11, 2009

...when, what to my wondering eyes should appear....

No, it wasn't the night before Christmas, and I didn't see a "miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer." Instead, I saw a gigantic possum! Several nights ago, I turned on the outside light in the back yard and observed a huge possum on the patio near the grill. In a state of near hypnosis, I watched this creature meander through two flower beds and around the steps before retreating into the darkness. Henri did not witness this because he was sleeping soundly in his recliner. When Bogey Bernie and I discussed this the next day, he said the possum also visits the grill on his patio. The critter probably was attracted by the scent of the ribs Henri had prepared the night before. We hope to figure a way to catch the possum or find him when he becomes road kill so we can prepare a steaming pot of possum bouya. Possum meat is a true delicacy in Southern cuisine, and the gray fur would be a beautiful collar on my black leather coat.


  1. Opossum.....not, "possum"....ya hillbilly!

  2. you should keep him as your new pet, I'm sure he will catch chips over the counter like buddy used to

  3. Odd, I have a couple roaming around my place as well. Unfortunately, I found 'mama' dead right outside my patio door 2 nights ago. Maybe she was trying to get inside, where it is warmer.
