Thursday, December 31, 2009

The End and the Beginning

Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot and auld lang syne? Auld Lang Syne is the song traditionally sung at the stroke of midnight to celebrate the start of the New Year. Ten years ago, we anticipated the beginning of the new millennium. Everyone worried that computers would crash, power systems would shut down, and other disasters comparable to the end of the world would occur, but nothing significant happened. Now, each New Year is about the same as the last except Dick Clark gets another year older. If anyone would have told me when I was in high school and college that I would be content to stay home on New Year’s Eve, I never would have believed it. In my younger years, the Prairie du Rocher American Legion was the place to be on New Year’s Eve. During my teaching years, it was the Elks in either Carbondale or DuQuoin. Time changes everything. Henri and I will celebrate New Year’s Eve at home as we do each year. We complement each other – Henri can’t stay awake until midnight, and I can’t sleep before midnight. It’s just another night to party hearty. Happy New Year 2010 from Henri and Ginger!

1 comment:

  1. Gloria, Kailey and Tobey will be bringing in the New Year here. We have poppers, horns and we are ready to ring in the New Year. Yep, we are one partying group in this house.
