Monday, December 28, 2009

Boys, Shots, and Tires

I was awakened this morning by the pitter patter of two year old feet, feet belonging to Kale. Kristi was correct. These boys are on Henri’s wake up schedule, not Ginger’s. On a typical Monday morning, I would be awake by 9:00 a.m. It was 7:00 a.m. today. I guess when we get older we forget the life we lived when our children were young. Henri and I are definitely too old to resume that lifestyle on a daily basis. Henri is busy preparing Kristi’s favorite meal tonight: pepper steak and fried rice. Kristi, Kale, and I got the H1N1 vaccine at the health department this morning. I’m supposed to be too old for the H1N1 flu, but as long as the vaccine is available I’m getting it as a precaution. Actually, the vaccine is free, and I can’t pass up a bargain. Jon is busy with telephone calls to the insurance company. He decided to have the car towed to Marion tomorrow. In the meantime, he and David are going to Jackson (MO) today to pick up a tire/rim. They plan to put that tire/rim and the spare tire on the car tomorrow. If the vehicle can be driven, Jon will take it to Rochester (MN) later this week to be repaired. If this doesn’t work, he will have it fixed here. We’ll just have to wait to see what tomorrow brings. I think it’s time for some good news around here.


  1. What a busy morning at Henri and Ginger's. I can see that Kale prefers to eat while standing at the table. This seems to be a trend with toddlers.

  2. oh yes, Kale does not know how to sit and eat, it's one of those battles we decided not to take on. We are working on not hitting instead.
