Sunday, December 27, 2009


Over the river, and through the wood, To Henri and Ginger’s house we go…. Today, we celebrated our family Christmas – 11 adults and 8 children. Our house is large, but there is no way we could maximize it for any length of time to accommodate a group that size. Jonathan arrived Friday evening after he and the Trail Blazer had an encounter with a guard rail on an icy overpass at the Mattoon (IL) interstate exit. The vehicle is in Mattoon at the tow shop, and after my 280 mile round trip to pick him up he is home unhurt. All arrived safely for the celebration today. After a lunch of shrimp, cheese balls, and Walt’s pizza (and a little wine and beer), the grandchildren enjoyed opening their gifts. The kids got us a gift – a snow blade for the Deere. Henri is now looking forward to a BIG snow to try it out. Even though most went back to their homes later, we still have company. Jon is here (Remember, he has no vehicle.), and Kristi, Kale, and Kace are spending a few days with us. I have a feeling the little boys are going to disrupt Ginger’s usual time to arise in the morning. We love to have the kids and grandkids visit. The lyrics of a Christmas song say it well: Oh, there’s no place like home for the holidays…, or any other time

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